Monday, June 28, 2010

A Yeoman’s Effort

We call Benji our pee pee man because he seems to require diaper changes much more frequently than his brother. He is a very prolific water maker. If we aren’t attentive enough, his healthy bladder will make short work of the market’s best super absorbent diapers. Had he been born in the cloth diaper era, there would have been no rest for the changing pad. The child enjoys hydrating and requests milk or water often. Cause and effect produces predictable results, and any delay in addressing the issue can manufacture spectacular blowouts. This diaper put up an impressive effort, spilling not one drop, but the sheer weight of the achievement was too much for his left side’s waistband. When it let go the burden fell to the right. We caught the issue before the other side let go and probably prevented a small animal’s drowning.

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