Thursday, January 8, 2015

New Year’s Resolution

For several years now, I have intended to renew my postings to this blog and today I begin again. As the boys got older, maintaining a daily blog became difficult and I became backlogged. I stopped blogging altogether when I went back to work full time. While they understood, our most devoted followers were disappointed to lose this simple daily contact with our lives.  We missed it too. Later, I found Facebook and became a regular poster, but not everyone on there was especially interested in my boys’ daily box scores. This blog is a much better tool for sharing our lives with close family and friends. I still plan to periodically post to Facebook, but this will be the primary media for family communication. I will try to go back and fill in some of the gaps of the past, but my main emphases will be on documenting the present. Thank you for reading! Dave

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