Saturday, October 27, 2007

Sandy's Basketball

We're now at 30 weeks, and it definitely looks like I swallowed a basketball. One advantage is that I no longer have to worry about cleaning lint from my belly button as it is completely inside out! :-)

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Three Pounds at 29 Weeks

We had another ultrasound on Friday at 29 weeks. The boys are almost identical in size, 3 pounds each! Currently they are positioned with one boy head down and all stretched out on my left side. The other is currently breech although folded at the waist with his head and feet under my stomach and his bottom down by the other's head. I'm having a lot of fun feeling them move. Often I will feel a little protrusion, likely a shoulder or knee, and when I rub it the baby will respond back. Dave gets tickled when the babies respond back to him.

When we had our doctor's visit two weeks ago I measured at full term for a single baby. (No wonder I feel so huge!) We do get a lot of surprised looks when people ask when I'm due and I say December. But then they understand when I explain we are having twins. I do have this fear that I may wake up one morning with a pumpkin face on my stomach as Dave keeps threatening to paint one. It does look like I swallowed a basketball.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Resting Time

Sandy's doctor placed her on bedrest for the remainder of her pregnancy. This is not uncommon for higher risk mothers, but occured earlier than we expected. All this rest and some medication has brought the premature contractions under control, but unfortunately resulted in Sandy's new addiction to Sudoku puzzles. I wonder if the program to break that addiction has 9-steps?