Monday, November 30, 2009

Newspaper Men

When the Bells were visiting over Thanksgiving, Al took the opportunity to sit on our couch and read the newspaper. Benji thought this was very cool and decided to do the same. Mimicking his newspaper buddy, he found a spot nearby and began reading the entertainment section. Opening the newspaper with both hands outstretched like his hero, Benji would hold the paper up high just like people do when they are actually reading it. He would watch and when Al turned pages, so would Benji. Al lingered on one particular sports page for some time reading a column. As Benji watched this he noticed a photo of a football game and pointed this out in case Al missed it.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Birthday Cake Pride

The boys are really into animals right now. First they began identifying the animals by the sounds they make: meow for cats, ruff ruff for dogs, etc. Now they are blending the animal sounds with their names (i.e. moo cow). With their animal enthusiasm peaking, Sandy chose animals for their second birthday decorating theme. She shopped several stores locally and online to find just the right plates, napkins and decorations. Her crème de la crème were two lion birthday cakes she made for them. The boys loved their cakes and responded by saying “Roar! Roar!”. Not only did they look good, they tasted delicious. In case you’re wondering, the lion’s mane is made of chow mien noodles.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Birthday Party Time

With the Florida grandparents in town for Thanksgiving and Uncle Steve’s family coming for a visit, we decided to have the boy’s second birthday party a week early again this year. The tradition we have begun is to have a small birthday celebration in December and a second, larger party in June for their half-year birthday. A family with two children born on different dates would hold two birthday parties per year, but twins share a single day, and our boys’ birthday falls close to Christmas. Our solution allows for two parties per year and the June half-year birthday falls when the weather permits outside activities. For this birthday dinner we chose the boys’ favorite food: barbeque mutton sandwiches, potato salad, baked beans, burgoo and fruit.

Friday, November 27, 2009

Christmas Tree Farm

Sandy remembers fondly those times when her family visited Missouri’s Christmas Tree Land when she was a girl. She and I last visited this tree farm in Spencer County, Indiana on our first Christmas together just days before our wedding. This year, with the boys walking and the Roe Grands visiting for Thanksgiving, we thought it might be fun to renew this family holiday tradition. The trip had two goals; to select a tree and take a Christmas card photo. Because of the boys’ age and unbridled curiosity, we felt an artificial tree in the house would be best. However, we thought a cut live tree would make a wonderful front yard focal point. To complete the holiday traditions theme, we plan to decorate it with the large old-fashioned outside lights that annually adorned the Roe’s Kansas City home for so many years.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

A Festive Thanksgiving Day

We are so thankful for our family and friends, and both were represented at our table this Thanksgiving day. Joining the twins and their parents were both sets of grandparents and our friends Al and Lisa Bell. Sandy prepared a delicious meal along with some dishes brought by the guests. The boys didn’t care much for the traditional Thanksgiving foods of turkey, dressing, and vegetables, but they were very curious to sample the apple and pecan pies. Mommy and Daddy said no due to the high sugar continent, but the boys persuaded certain conspirators to slip them bites on the sly.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Bifocals Required

A retired teacher, Grandma Karen has always had a way with children. When she visits, the boys get very excited and are eager to share everything they’ve learned with her. They especially love reading and want to show her all their books. On this day she began on the floor with Benji on her lap reading a nice little book when Trey Davey brought his chair over beside them to sit and read too. He brought his own book and before she knew it, Grandma was reading two books simultaneously. As always, she took it all in stride. Such is life when you are Grandmother to twins.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Guy Talk

Granddaddy Roe was tired when he and Grandma arrived at our house for their Thanksgiving visit. They had just completed a two-day drive from their home in Florida, and the trip was exhausting. Daddy and Granddaddy went upstairs just as the boys were rising from their nap. We turned on the TV to ESPN and sat down to watch the sports news. Wanting to be just like us, the boys climbed onto the couch with Granddaddy, arranged their pillows and covers for maximum comfort and began talking sports. When a football story ran they said “football, football”. When a basketball story ran they exclaimed “basketball, basketball”. There was also some running commentary that Granddaddy couldn’t quit decipher, but he was impressed by their earnestness.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Checking E-Mail

If my bedroom door isn’t closed, Benji and Trey Davey can see me from their bedroom when I work at my desk. Both boys enjoy mimicking my actions and pretending to be Daddy, but for Benji, typing on my computer is especially desirable. Benji loves all things electronic. He adores pushing buttons and making things happen. Each time we go upstairs, rather than turn left towards his room, Benji will try to turn right and run to my bedroom desk. There he will climb up into my chair and punch buttons on my laptop. Sometimes this will result in undesirable changes in my computer’s configuration. On this morning, while waiting our turn in the bathtub, I showed Benji how to retrieve my new e-mail.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Parade Sounds Popular

For Trey Davey, the Owensboro Christmas Parade’s sounds were the best. Each year the parade starts with police cars wailing their sirens. You could see him excitedly making the connection between his toy squad cars and these real ones. Next came the big fire trucks with their unique sirens, and he loved those too. In addition to the emergency vehicles, Davey loved the marching bands. There were three middle school bands, four high school bands and one college band all playing Christmas carols. When there were gaps in the noise, he seemed to lose interest in the parade, but when new sounds arrived he would run back to the window to see what was coming next. The most unusual sound he heard came from Danny Self’s 1928 circus calliope, which signaled the arrival of Santa Claus.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

A Christmas Parade to Remember

After the fun we had watching Owensboro’s Christmas parade last year, we all looked forward to this year’s annual yuletide pageant. Unlike the poor crowd standing in the cold along the street for the two plus hours, we sat warm and comfortable inside Grandpa Edds’ second floor main street office. His windows afforded us a bird’s eye view of the parade. A year older now, we wondered how the boys would react differently to this year’s spectacle. Remarkably, from the opening police car to the final float carrying Santa Claus, Benji sat captivated and still in his window with Grandpa. He reacted happily to the many colorfully decorated floats with bright Christmas lights and especially loved the trucks. Grandpa said that each time Benji pointed his finger and said happily “Oh, BIG truck” it was unforgettable

Friday, November 20, 2009

Family Friendly

When I worked in tourism my job required that I craft advertising that introduced Owensboro to strangers. At that time I believed our community’s greatest strength was its appeal to families, so I often used the term “Family Friendly”. While most locals agreed, few thought Owensboro offered anything especially unique, but I did and experts recently validated my thesis. Business Week Magazine has rated Owensboro the best place to raise a family in Kentucky and featured it as among the best family towns overall. Citing national studies rating our city among America’s safest, our housing costs among the nation’s lowest and our schools among the state’s best, they also mentioned Owensboro’s quality parks, churches, youth sports and fine arts programs. For Trey Davey and Benji, Owensboro seems to be an ideal place to grow up.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Workshop Completed

I’ve always wanted a workshop. Growing up in the family hardware business, I’ve been around tools all my life. I married a girl who also loves tools and owned a better collection than mine. Together, we had so many tools they were difficult to keep organized. For years I’ve been planning a workshop with an organized place for everything and finally built it this fall. I finished the wall with water proof paint, studs, insulation, peg board, electrical outlets and plumbing for a sink. I painted old kitchen cabinets and installed new lights. When the boys are old enough, we now have a place for family projects.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Outside Looking In

Their opportunity for gridiron glory is years away, but these boys are already looking to that future. They yearn for the opportunity to wear the uniform and test their skills against a worthy opponent. They imagine themselves in key positions with the game on the line and executing their assignments perfectly to force their opponents to make mistakes that they can capitalize on to lead their team to victory. They can almost hear the roar of the crowd as they make the winning score. Those successes are the result of years of practice and preparation. Whether it is sports, academics or business, success begins goal visualization.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Tractor Pushing

Imagine several farmers milling around in the 1860’s boasting about whose horse could tow the heaviest load. A challenge is made and a contest is planned. They would remove a barn door, lay it on the ground, and then hitch a horse to it. One by one people would stand on the door until the horse could no longer drag it. The horse pulling the most people the greatest distance was the winner. This event, called horse pulling, continues today. Technology allowed for a spin-off event called tractor pulling, which is still very popular in rural America. Our version is slightly different. Because our boys’ legs are not yet long enough to reach the peddles, Daddy pushes them around the yard. Just to make things interesting, we add a trailer and another boy and see how far they go before Daddy’s face turns beet red.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Having a ball together

It is interesting to watch the cousins’ relationship develop as they grow and mature. Levi and the twins recognize each other now as familiar and possibly even family. Interaction has increased dramatically without much verbal communication. The boys watch each other and move around the yard in a pack. Conflict is rare. One will engage an activity such as the slide and the others will follow. They have moved beyond parallel play, but have not yet fully engaged in interactive play activities such as pitch and catch. Once their verbal skills advance and physical skills become a little more developed, they’ll be organizing neighborhood ball tournaments.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Welcome Back Levi

Cousin Levi lives in Indianapolis and visits his Edds Grandparents in Owensboro about every six weeks. Everyone looks forward to the opportunity for the cousins to get together, and sometimes scheduling can be an issue. We didn’t see them this morning at church because we are attending Bellevue while Levi joined the Grands at First Baptist. Then the Benji and Trey Davey fell asleep in the car on the ride home skipping lunch in favor of a major Sunday afternoon nap. By the time the boys were up and fed, Levi and Grandpa were napping in front of an NFL football game. It was almost dark by the time Levi arrived to play.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Santa Causes Tears

We took a trip to Evansville Thursday to drop Sandy’s car by the dealer and do a little Christmas shopping. In the mall’s hallway we passed Santa’s helper. Surprised to see him two weeks before Thanksgiving, we noticed how authentic he looked and discussed having the boys’ photo made even though we hadn’t dressed them for the occasion. Turning a corner, we then saw Santa’s photography kiosk. There was no line, so we proceed inside the gate for a picture. Immediately after entering both boys began rebelling. They were reserved around Santa last year, just as they were with most strangers, but they were down right terrified by this Kris Kringle. Benji pointed and kept saying “outside” wanting to leave. Finally, we turned our back on Santa, who then disappeared, then sat in his seat for a family photograph. That jolly old elf is pretty adapted at doing his work out of children’s sights.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Play-zeum Play Date

Usually when the Mother’s of Multiples have a play date on a weekday afternoon, our boys can’t participate because Sandy is working. However, today’s outing happened to fall on one of her vacation days when we were home, so Mommy and the boys joined the group at the Owensboro Museum of Science and History. On the museum’s third floor is an indoor playground designed to provide children ages 10 and under an opportunity to play in a colorful, themed environment based on local landscape and history. Playground components include crawl tubes and bridges, a riverboat, train, train station and tree houses. The exhibit was constructed and sponsored by Grandpa Edds Rotary Club.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Mall Play

Sandy’s Beatle needed servicing and Owensboro offers no Volkswagen Dealerships, so we took advantage of her vacation time off this week to take an afternoon trip to Evansville. We left just after lunch, traveling during the boys’ nap time. They slept while we ran errands and when they awoke we parked and entered Eastland Mall. There we found a terrific playground located right in the center of the Mall. While the boys played, Sandy and I took turns shopping and watching them play. This arrangement worked so much better than guiding them through the stores in their stroller trying to keep them entertained and while attempting to shop at the same time. I wish every Mall had a playground.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Happy Birthday Aunt Susan

I think Sandy’s sister Susan just loves being an aunt. She was the first of the Roe sisters to become a mother and didn’t become an aunt until Benji and Trey Davey were born. She lives in California and traveling is expensive, but she has managed a visit with her nephews about every six months. The last get-together was this summer when the family gathered at the Lake of the Ozarks for Granddaddy Roe’s 75th birthday. Having raised Cousins Christine and Tyler, Aunt Susan is very familiar with toddlers and enthusiastic about spending time with her nephews. She reads our blog to keep up with their growth and adventures. She has thoughtfully mailed many packages of Tyler’s old toys for us to enjoy. We are very fortunate to have her in our lives. We wish you a happy birthday.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

It Comes with the Job

With unseasonably warm dry weather, Sandy home on vacation this week and Thanksgiving only a few weeks away, I decided it was a great opportunity to hang Christmas lights on the house. I usually wait until it is bitter cold. Last year, the weather was so nasty that we skipped hanging the icicles altogether. Using three different sized ladders I worked my way around our two-story roof a few feet at a time. After climbing up and down multiple times, and carrying those heavy ladders around all day long, my tired body ached. I took a long, hot shower and wanted to just lay on the couch and rest, but no: That wasn’t in my son’s itinerary. They hadn’t seen me all day long and wanted some serious Daddy time. Both climbed on the couch and attacked my feeble bones with toys and covers, but I’m not complaining.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Leaf it to Us!

Mommy almost received more assistance than she could handle recently when Benji and Trey Davey took the initiative to help her rake and bag the backyard leaves. Their first experience with leaves last week was counterproductive to Mommy’s raking efforts as they jumped and scattered the front yard leaves everywhere. This time they wanted to help and pitched in with enthusiasm. Their first helping efforts involved picking up handfuls of leaves and dumping them over the fence. While this did help clean the backyard, it simply relocated the leaf issue to another area of our yard. When Mommy introduced plastic bags and suggested the leaves go there, the boys were more than willing to comply.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Pondering Blog Ideas

When Daddy takes the boys outside after their afternoon nap he usually brings along a pen and pad. While the twins are playing, Dad will relax in the late afternoon sun and write down his blog thoughts. Today Benji decided what Daddy was doing was much more interesting than playing with cars in the grass, so he climbed up in Daddy’s lap and took over the blog writing. After some preliminary instructions and writing composition tips, Daddy’s student was encouraged to begin his storytelling. Unfortunately young Benjamin was hampered first by writer’s block, then by some difficulty writing down his ideas.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Reaching for Greater Heights

As this photo testifies, nothing on top of the dresser is now out of reach. In fact, it is not an uncommon occurrence these days to leave the room and return to see diapers and accessories relocated to the floor. For this reason, Mommy has wanted more shelving installed in the toddler’s suit. Recently Daddy found the perfect shelves at a rummage sale and endeavored to hang it above the changing area. The introduction of tools to their room was cause for much twin excitement. Tools are in their blood. Their Mommy is an engineer, their Grandparents owned a hardware store, and on of their favorite cartoons is Handy Mandy. While too young now, you can bet a set of starter tools will soon be on their Christmas list.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Tree for the future

A few years ago we hired a landscape architect to create a plan for our yard. We have been implementing her ideas slowly as the opportunities present themselves. This summer when the local utility company was cutting the high school’s large trees out of the fence line, they asked if they could remove two cherry trees in our backyard under the utility line. We agreed without knowing they had a tree for a tree plan. The next week, we received two $75 gift certificates for new trees. Combining these, we purchased this red oak tree for our lawn. Before we know it, the tree and the boys will be standing tall and strong.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Birthday Benchmark Photo – 23 months

At each benchmark we analyze where the boys are in their development and what progress has been made recently. Last month we talked about how many words they knew, and this month what strikes me is how they are using the words to communicate and direct us. They identify now when we are moving from inside or outside, and recognize when we are going upstairs or downstairs. They ask for their blanket and stuffed animals by name. They request the TV to be turned on, lobby for the Disney Channel, cheer when it is selected and jeer when it is not. They ask to take baths, solicit massages and then rate our outfit selections. Who knows when they first developed opinions and preferences, but it is obvious they are now expressing them.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Model Temperament

Another example of how little boys differ from little girls was identified tonight as we tried on clothes. Many little girls love trying on clothes and are known to change themselves into various different outfits in a given night. Boys typically have no interest in clothing and have been known to discard them on the way to play outside. On this evening, Mommy wanted the boys to try on the clothing she bought them for Christmas. They are at an in-between size where their arms and legs have not yet grown into 2T, so they are somewhat hard to fit. This interruption in Davey’s playing wasn’t welcomed.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Cooperative Play Behavior

Today we observed Trey Davey and Benji playing cooperatively as they rolled the tow truck back and forth to one another. Experts say young children’s play may take one of five different forms. Playing by oneself is called solitary independent behavior. Playing passively by watching or conversing with other children engaged in play activities is called onlooker behavior. Playing, even in the middle of a group, while remaining engrossed in one's own activity is called parallel behavior. Children playing parallel to each other sometimes use each other's toys, but always maintain their independence. Sharing materials and talking to each other, without coordinating play objectives or interests is called associative behavior. Organizing players into roles with specific goals in mind is called cooperative behavior. Research has shown that children typically don’t participate in cooperative behavior until older, between 3 to 5 years old.

Monday, November 2, 2009

I just raked those

I suppose because Sandy has a desk job, she loves the opportunities she gets to work outside. Sunday afternoon was such a beautiful autumn day that Sandy couldn’t resist raking leaves while the boys napped. We live in a neighborhood of older homes with many large shade trees. Leaves fall in abundance and even our small front lawn will generate large leaf piles. After finishing their nap, Daddy dressed the twins and brought them outside to see Mommy. Their first act was to run and jump into the leaves. It was a totally instinctive act. No one taught them this, and no one suggested it, they just saw the pile and knew what to do. It’s another example of free fun.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

The talk around town

When Grandpa David saw his friend Steve Cable at the HealthPark, he asked how Steve and his wife Mary were doing. They said they were lucky to be alive. Apparently two very menacing pirates came to their door Saturday with swords. Steve said they were prepared to offer the little buccaneers sweet treasures to spare their home from plunder, but their parents have the boys on a candy-free diet. The Cables confessed that the twins costumes were the best they saw all evening and absolutely adorable. Steve and Mary are our neighbors two doors down and one of the five houses we visited on our street.