Trey Davey and Benji’s sports careers began today with their first t-ball game. At this level, participation not competition rules the day. They batted in order by their number, and Trey Davey was number 3. The top photo shows his glee with his first hit. He was so excited at first that he forgot the base order. When the next batter hit the ball up the middle, Davey headed directly for third where he nearly collided with a teammate running from third to first and the infielders chasing the ball. After his first hit, Benji had no problem finding first, second and third base, but as the photo below shows, he drifted a little on his way home.
Friday, June 3, 2011
Thursday, June 2, 2011
All Aboard the Wildcat Express
We spotted this playground train in the side yard of a home on Highway 140 in Utica , Kentucky . This grandfather built a train for his first grandchild. Then over time, as he added more grandchildren, he would add more vehicles. He built an antique car and a tractor, and then added a coal car, tanker car and caboose to the train. His last playground addition, and his masterpiece, is the water tower, which doubles as tree house and supports two sets of swings. The grandmother entertains the neighbors by decorating the train for all the major holidays. Now, these are fun grandparents.
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
Full Stream Ahead
After the fun we had a few days ago at the Yellow Creek Park spray park, the boys lobbied to go again. This time we visited the spray park at Legion Park . This is the one Granny’s Rotary Club raised money to build a decade ago. The spray is on a timer here that cycles about every five minutes. After discovering the on switch located on this pole, Benji was fixated on it. He kept pushing and pushing it even after the water began spraying. During one spray pause, Davey believed Benji wasn’t pushing hard enough and proceeded to help him while two cute young girls looked on.
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Covered Bridge
Monday, May 30, 2011
Rainbow Spray Boys
It was a beautiful Memorial Day weekend and the first opportunity to enjoy the spray park at Yellow Creek Park . When we arrived it looked as though the device was broken because the water pressure was but trickle. Soon however, we found the parks keeper, and he repaired the valves allowing for the full spray. All the children were so energized by the new spray that they began running wildly around the area. This mayhem soon resulted in a head on collision between Benji and an older boy. This momentarily stopped the action and allowed the group to organize traffic patterns. With a plan in place, they were off again merrily running through the multicolored sprayer.
Sunday, May 29, 2011
Base Practice
Say it with me: first base, second base, third base, home. It was our mantra: first base, second base, third base, home. Today was the day our boys learned this concept. We didn’t want them to be totally ignorant about the game when we started T-Ball next week. Teaching them the bases was easy compared to finding a diamond for practice. The city parks have a significant number of little league ball fields and all of them are fenced and locked when not in use. We found this to be also true of all the county parks and the fields owned by the public schools. Thank goodness the Catholic schools have the good sense to leave their baseball fields open so the neighborhood kids can play even when the league is out of season.
Saturday, May 28, 2011
Neighborhood Party
Friday, May 27, 2011
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Reid’s Apple Slide
The Mother’s of Multiples was hosting a play date today which afforded us with a great opportunity to take advantage of this beautiful spring day at Reid’s Orchard. We have visited this fun place on several previous occasions and we are no strangers to the activities there, especially their unique playground. While there are many fun activities there, our clear favorite is the apple slider. First you must climb two flights of stairs to reach a three story wooden deck. Then you will see two large parallel tubes. The insides are smooth and angled at just the right angle to propel you quickly without loosing control.
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Mack’s Sandbox
Recently, we visited Mack Burton’s new house and discovered his ultra cool sandbox. It is an old tractor tire filled with sand and toys. Mack lived next door to us until about 6 months ago when his family purchased and moved to a newly constructed home in the Lake Forest subdivision. Once Mack’s little sister was born last year, Mack’s parents began looking for a house with three bedrooms all on the same floor. Mack’s new house is much larger and has a huge backyard. Davey was in sandbox heaven and immediately began lobbying for one of his own, which means we would need two.
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Another Tornado Warning
With a set of the city’s air-raid sirens located in the school yard behind our house, we don’t sleep through alerts. Tonight it sounded a little after 10:00 pm. The boys were already asleep, so we scooped them up and hurried to the basement. That task was a lot easier when they were little babies. You would think we lived on the Kansas plains based on the number of tornado warnings we have “enjoyed” this year. Thankfully, we have a comfortable basement stocked for just this type of emergency and plenty of emergency evacuation practice just in case the big one ever comes.
Monday, May 23, 2011
The Face After the Fall
Poor Davey, he looks even worse. A few days ago, he tripped and fell into the TV stand injuring his face bad enough to require three stitches in his eyebrow. Then, today at the playground he let go of the chains while swinging to wipe his runny nose. This caused him to fall backwards out of the seat as it was swinging forward. Had he been over water, it would have been a beautiful swinging summersault dive. Instead, it was a header into the playground mulch, which scratched the other side of his face. Hopefully, he is healing in his sleep.
Sunday, May 22, 2011
Happy Birthday Uncle Stephen
We don’t see Uncle Steve very often, but it is always fun when we do. He lives in Indianapolis with Aunt Erin and Cousin Levi. Steve is a sports guy and always has the scoop on all the major sporting news. His favorite teams are the Indianapolis Colts and the Kentucky Wildcats. He is very tall, and back in the day, he played basketball in high school and college. When we get older, we look forward to receiving sports technique pointers from him. He is also a marketing guy, so we expect him to manage our merchandising when we turn professional.
Saturday, May 21, 2011
Happy Birthday Mack
Mack Burton, until recently our next door neighbor, invited us to his third birthday party at a bounce house downtown. There were about 25 parents and children in attendance and all had a wonderful time. The facility, while small, offers a surprising amount of activities for children of all ages. When we visited our first bounce house a couple of years ago the boys were too young to really benefit from the facility, but now they possess the strength and agility to truly enjoy all its benefits. Designed for such activities as birthday parties, this facility offers a party room in the back for cake and ice cream. We had a great time.
Friday, May 20, 2011
Davey’s Stitches
In his padded room, Trey Davey managed to collide with the vertical edge of the TV stand causing a fat lip, check scrape and deep eyebrow cut. We immediately transported him the few blocks over to the convenient care (emergency room). Pa soon came to take Benji home so we could focus on Davey’s treatment. After an extended wait and a small amount of pain medicine, our brave little soldier fell into a peaceful sleep. Some time later he was rudely awakened to find his head covered except for his left eye and a doctor stitching him back together. Her experience, education, and excellent bedside manner were obvious. She asked questions about Thomas and his friends to calm and redirect Davey’s attention. Before he could answer all her Sodor questions correctly, she was finished, and soon we were on our way home.
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Strawberry Picking and Grinning
The first time we picked strawberries the boys were very tentative and mystified by what we were doing. They picked everything; ripe strawberries, green strawberries, leaves and stems. This time, they were experienced. The boys understood what strawberries were, where to find the best ones, and how to pick just the best red ones. With this knowledge, we skillfully filled two baskets with beautiful strawberries in only a few minutes, which left more time to devote to the orchard’s playground. They also understood for several weeks that if they cleaned their dinner plates, the reward would be a bowl of the strawberries that they had picked themselves.
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Surprise Attack
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
One Heavenly Ride
While trains are the twins’ boyhood obsession, cars were mine. As I grew older my preference ran from contemporary to classic cars. This I shared with my father, although his old ride preference was for highly modified hot rods, where I was drawn to like-new restorations. So it was a bit surprising when the boys first caught sight of this 1936 Ford before I did. I love the design of this era of cars with the running boards and exposed headlights. We followed this car down Parrish Avenue and were surprised to see him pull into the same place we were heading. Apparently, he too attended our church and chose this beautiful Sunday morning to drive his antique car. Maybe one day he’ll offer us a ride.
Monday, May 16, 2011
Squirreling Around
In other news, lunch today was interrupted by the sudden appearance of a squirrel in our dining room window box. Early attempts to ignore the cute rodent’s disturbance were unsuccessful. Diners observed first the sensation of being watched, and then heard the scratches of our pint-sized peeping Tom. Once the dinner crasher was discovered, a great commotion erupted inside the home as preschoolers craned to see the intruder. After numerous futile attempts to redirect the children’s attention back to the meal, their parents finally capitulated and helped their children out of their highchairs so they could observe their new furry friend up close. Apparently, voyeurism was only appealing to Mr. Squirrel from afar because once the twins peeped back from just behind the window, the perpetrator made a hasty escape through the nearby bushes. Afterwards, the lunch returned to normal.
Sunday, May 15, 2011
The New Train
I noticed a nice large train in its original box recently at a garage sale marked just $10. In my head I could hear Sandy saying “We don’t need another train, especially one that big.” I decided to let the seller make my choice for me, so I asked the home owner if she would take $7, and she accepted my offer without hesitation. When we assembled the train at home Sandy observed that it still donned its original packing stickers. After spending another $10 on batteries, the locomotive screamed loudly to life complete with smoke puffing from the stack. The boys were in heaven! After listening to that extremely noisy toy for an hour I hypothesized that after its maiden appearance, the original owner’s mother hid this train in the closet for years and was willing to take any offer to banish it from her life. Toot, Toot!
Saturday, May 14, 2011
Sick Benji
Friday, May 13, 2011
Ice Cream Truck
Thursday, May 12, 2011
Under Table Reading
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Their Own Drums
There is usually more than one way to accomplish a task. Individuals with different talents will approach jobs from different directions and the results are often quite interesting. If two artists work independently on the same task, say painting the same subject, their painting will appear quite different and yet correctly represent the topic. When two artists work together on a single piece, such as in music, their collaboration will merge their individual talents. Synergy occurs when the blending of the two talents achieves a result greater than what either individual could have achieved alone. We want our boys to shine as individuals, follow the beat of their own drums and make individual achievements, but we also hope they will collaborate together on projects and synergize their talents to create an unbeatable team.
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Katelyn’s Visit
Monday, May 9, 2011
First T-Ball Practice
Sunday, May 8, 2011
Mommy Has Boys
Saturday, May 7, 2011
Impromptu Derby Party
We didn’t plan it. Sure, we knew the Bells were going to be in town this weekend visiting their parents, and we knew Dawn planned an Owensboro trip to have dinner with us, and we knew it was Derby Day, but no efforts were made to coordinate these things together. These distant planets just suddenly aligned together all at the right time, and we found a house full of people just before post time. We moved some chairs, poured ice tea, quickly picked a favorite horse and began cheering. Two minutes later, it was all over and we were free to visit.
Friday, May 6, 2011
Backyard Practice
Thursday, May 5, 2011
Benchmark Birthday Photo – 3 Years 5 Months
The verbal sparing has begun, and they have begun conceiving the cutest little arguments and manipulations. Each night about 30 minutes after lights out Benji will call out to his mother. He’ll explain that he’s awake because he has a huge problem and a little problem. “What’s your huge problem?”
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Bleacher Training
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Camping Out close to home
Monday, May 2, 2011
The Ants Go Marching
Sunday, May 1, 2011
Pa’s Belated Birthday
Saturday, April 30, 2011
Read Around The Park
Friday, April 29, 2011
Stow’n Go, Very Cool
Our new(er) van rocks! It has so many new features that our older van didn’t. One of the best new gadgets is the stow’n go seats. Our ‘98 Caravan had easy-out roller seats, which allowed us to unlatch and roll our bench seats out of the van when cargo space was needed. We typically kept our third-row seat in storage and would have to go get it and lift it back in the van when we needed a fifth passenger seat. Our 2005 Town and Country’s stow’n go seats fold completely into under-floor compartments when extra cargo space is desired. When we decided to take all six of us together in the van to Evansville last Friday, I just unfolded the third row seats from the floorboard and locked them in an upright position. It took about 30 seconds. Now how cool is that?
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Ice in April
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Mexican Railroad Dominoes
When Grandma Roe visits, Benji begins looking for her red bag. He knows where she keeps her gifts. This time she brought Mexican Railroad Dominoes with the intention of teaching them the game Mexican Train. Emanating from a central hub, each player creates one or more chains, or “trains”, with the object of playing all the dominoes in his or her hand. Each player is given a special little engine piece, which is part of the game. Unfortunately, our three-year olds’ fascination with the game pieces prevented her success in teaching them the actual game on this visit, but perhaps by her next visit they will be mature enough to ride the Mexican train.
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Bunker Training
For the fourth time in eight days, the sound of the sirens sent us to the basement during a tornado warning. This one was a surprise, so we were not as prepared. Before, we had watched the severe thunderstorms approaching on television and packed bags to take downstairs if needed. This one just came out of the blue, and we only had time to grab the boys and head downstairs. Needing to occupy the twins’ attention, Daddy slipped around the corner to a secret place in the basement and emerged with a small bag of new Thomas trains. For the boys, all thoughts of tornados were instantly forgotten, and Great Grandmother Mac’s couch was suddenly transformed into a train station. They were almost sad to leave when the all-clear was given.
Monday, April 25, 2011
Mall Walk
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Happy Easter
What a blessed Easter this was. It wasn’t perfect. Rain prevented an outside egg hunt and Grandmother Edds wasn’t feeling very well, but we had our precious family around us to worship, visit and share the special season. Grandma and Granddaddy Roe traveled all the way from Florida to spend the holiday with us. We rose early Sunday morning, got everyone dressed and fed, and then the six of us headed to a very full church service. Afterwards we enjoyed a fine brunch at home and, for the boys, a finer afternoon nap. After Pa and Granny arrived later that afternoon, we got the boys up and gathered in the living room where baskets were waiting. Davey and Benji then began collecting the eggs hidden around the downstairs area. Sandy prepared a delicious Easter dinner for us and everyone had a wonderful time.
Saturday, April 23, 2011
Bunker Sweet Bunker
It was like the theme of the 1993 movie “Groundhog’s Day”, where the protagonist finds himself repeating the same day over and over again. For us, it was a line of severe thunderstorms moving along a route from Dallas to the Great Lakes with our house right on that path. Every day for over a week, the weatherman would predict the same storm coming at us. Most of these severe thunderstorms included tornado activities. We had already made a midnight run to the basement on Tuesday night and welcomed the Grands to join us on our midnight Friday visit. Jim and Karen had enjoyed the full basement experience on a previous stay, but on this trip they were blessed with two bunker visits as sirens sent us downstairs again on Saturday afternoon. Sandy is seriously considering installing a refreshment station to create a homier little bunker.
Friday, April 22, 2011
A Good Friday in E’ville


Thursday, April 21, 2011
Family Prayers
One night several weeks ago, we showed the boys how to pray before bedtime. Kneeling down at the foot of our bed, we began by learning the children’s prayer “now I lay me down to sleep”. Benji quickly memorized it and Davey wasn’t far behind. After each standard prayer, we would remember various people in our lives and ask God to help them with their issues or thank God for our blessings. It has become a nightly family ritual. Grandma and Granddaddy Roe arrived here for a stay this afternoon, and after a nice meal and visit, they joined us for family prayers before bedtime.
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Benji’s Bear Care Project
In addition to polar bear articles, Mommy has acquired quite a collection of brown bear items too. When the twins came along, a lot of her ornamental bears went into hyperactive storage. This wooden bear holding his welcome sign has been able to avoid the cave and found a home in our bedroom. Benji is a very perceptive child and is prone to making quite insightful observations about things. He noticed this bear one day on his way to the bathroom and returned to suggest that bear was lonely. He then gathered together some of his bears and some of their friends to visit the lonely bear in our bedroom. Once the grisly was presumably cheered up, he and his friends returned to their own bedroom.
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