Saturday, November 21, 2009

A Christmas Parade to Remember

After the fun we had watching Owensboro’s Christmas parade last year, we all looked forward to this year’s annual yuletide pageant. Unlike the poor crowd standing in the cold along the street for the two plus hours, we sat warm and comfortable inside Grandpa Edds’ second floor main street office. His windows afforded us a bird’s eye view of the parade. A year older now, we wondered how the boys would react differently to this year’s spectacle. Remarkably, from the opening police car to the final float carrying Santa Claus, Benji sat captivated and still in his window with Grandpa. He reacted happily to the many colorfully decorated floats with bright Christmas lights and especially loved the trucks. Grandpa said that each time Benji pointed his finger and said happily “Oh, BIG truck” it was unforgettable

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