Thursday, May 5, 2011

Benchmark Birthday Photo – 3 Years 5 Months

The verbal sparing has begun, and they have begun conceiving the cutest little arguments and manipulations. Each night about 30 minutes after lights out Benji will call out to his mother. He’ll explain that he’s awake because he has a huge problem and a little problem. “What’s your huge problem?” Sandy will ask. “Monsters” he’ll reply, and his small problem is “I want you.” When asked to do something he doesn’t want to do, Trey Davey has developed a number of excuses: I’m tired, I don’t feel good, I’m sick, I need my blanket, I have to pee pee (or pooh pooh). Benji’s excuses for not following directions include: I have an ouchy, I have a broken nail, I can’t find Spot (a stuffed animal), my puppy needs a blanket, and I think it’s my birthday. What will they come up with when they’re four?

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