Saturday, May 14, 2011

Sick Benji

It is not unusual for Trey Davey to refuse a meal, even one of his favorite dishes, but when his brother Benji won’t eat, he is sick. Not only did he not eat his delicious peanut butter and jelly sandwich on cinnamon raisin bread with apple wedges, but our little one fell asleep during the prayer. We agreed that rest was the best treatment for his condition, so I scooped him up and carried him upstairs to the comfort of his bed. There was no resistance to today’s afternoon nap which again was unusual. Benji typically fights taking a nap and fights getting up afterwards. After his lunch, Davey went directly to his bed to nap too. He likes staying on schedule, and just like clockwork, he awoke at 4:00 pm ready to resume fun and games. Benji slept a little longer and was feeling better the next morning.

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