Friday, May 20, 2011

Davey’s Stitches

In his padded room, Trey Davey managed to collide with the vertical edge of the TV stand causing a fat lip, check scrape and deep eyebrow cut. We immediately transported him the few blocks over to the convenient care (emergency room). Pa soon came to take Benji home so we could focus on Davey’s treatment. After an extended wait and a small amount of pain medicine, our brave little soldier fell into a peaceful sleep. Some time later he was rudely awakened to find his head covered except for his left eye and a doctor stitching him back together. Her experience, education, and excellent bedside manner were obvious. She asked questions about Thomas and his friends to calm and redirect Davey’s attention. Before he could answer all her Sodor questions correctly, she was finished, and soon we were on our way home.

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