Thursday, September 25, 2008

Give yourself a hand

The boys have learned how to clap. Well, it might be more correct to say that they have found that by striking their open palms together it makes a fun sound. Benji began clapping about a month ago, and Davey started clapping just this week. They really enjoy this trick and demonstrate it for people at the most peculiar times. One could never confuse them for trained seals who clap on cue, as our boys clap to their own drummer. They don’t clap on request, or in response to your clapping or with your assistance. They don’t clap to show approval, or appreciation, or to the beat of music. They clap solely for the smile of it, like blowing a raspberry. However, I suspect if we had a Clapper device in the house, they would soon figure out how to turn the lights on and off.

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