Monday, February 16, 2009

First Shiner, but probably not the last

It starts with a crash followed by a thump. After a short, stunned delay one can expect an eruption of screams and cries. This is a common formula these days for Edds infant injuries. The boys are fully active and eager to explore their environment’s every mystery. When Davey began eating his Jumperoo’s foam padding, we retired the toy to the basement, and when Benji repeatedly climbed onto his swing and flipped over backward after standing on the seat, that toy was also retired. This action only resulted in our smart boys’ redirecting their hi-jinx. For instance, Benji found that an empty toy box turned upside-down makes a nice step for climbing on the couch. Unfortunately, he also learned that socks are slippery on the smooth toy box bottom. Then he learned that if you fall while running holding a book sideways in front of your face, it will hurt.

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