Friday, May 29, 2009

Happy Half Birthday Party

Most families with two children celebrate two birthdays per year; one for each child. Some twins feel short-changed because they must share a single party annually. December children also feel slighted because their birthdays come so closely to Christmas. Sandy suggested we celebrate our boys’ birthdays twice a year, the full ones in December and half ones in June. Summer is a better time to have outside parties and children count half years anyway, so why not have a party. Since the Roe Grands were in town, we moved this half-year birthday party up a week to include them. Beginning next year, we plan to make the half-year event the gift party and their December full-birthday just a cake and ice cream celebration. To make this year’s milestone special, we asked our friend photographer Brian Leazenby to take family photos. Everybody wore matching blue shirts to look festive. We resembled a bowling team with mascots.

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