Friday, July 3, 2009

Melody and Harmony

A melody is a linear succession of musical tones which is perceived as a single entity or tune. The harmony is the simultaneous use of different pitches which compliment the tune and make it sound fuller (chords). For us, one twin conceives an idea and the other helps out to create total mayhem. Our piano best illustrates this principle. Benji first escapes into the forbidden zone by breaching the baby gate’s locking mechanism and Trey Davey follows. Next, Mr. Benjamin lifts the piano’s dust cover with hand and punches a few keys with the other. Seeing this, Trey Davey climbs onto the piano bench, pushes the dust cover back all the way and begins pounding the ivories with both hands. Not to be left behind, Benji also climbs onto the bench and joins his brother’s two-handed piano playing. Had we tried to stage this, they never would have cooperated.

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