Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Birthday Benchmark Photo – 2 Years 5 Months

Tonight we enjoyed dinner at Cracker Barrel Restaurant. Making this selection gave us pause as the last time we visited this eatery I spent most of our visit in the car disciplining Trey Davey. The boys have been disruptive at restaurants before, that’s why we choose family-friendly places like Cracker Barrel, but on that night he was out of control. Benji, too, takes his opportunities to be loud and defiant in public. Some parents simply choose to stay home until their children are older and better behaved, and we have seriously considered this approach but want to teach our children to control their emotions and impulses and be respectful to themselves and others. Tonight, we felt like our efforts are beginning to take hold. While still active and curious, both boys behaved within reasonable two-year old limits and charmed the staff and fellow patrons. We are so proud of them.

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