Wednesday, May 19, 2010

A Moment of Silence Please

Today we lost an old friend, my first laptop computer. Sandy and I picked out my little friend way back in 2003 while we were still dating. Once it entered my life, my laptop became a constant companion. It traveled with me to work, on all my vacations and business trips. I finished writing one book on this laptop and started two more. We created this blog and wrote almost every entry on it. That machine stayed up all night with me every night for eight months keeping me company in-between baby feedings. Our genealogy research produced 4,000 entries and cataloged over fifty thousand. Together, we have documented the boys first thirty months of life. This morning it just died, probably from exhaustion. Efforts to resuscitate it failed, but the data was saved. After a month, I finally was back up and running on a new machine, but I’ll never forget my first laptop.

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