Friday, May 14, 2010

Mexican Dining Caboose

Wednesday night, we drove to nearby Rockport, Indiana for a special dinner. For many years when passing the intersection of Highways 66 and 231, I have noted this restaurant caboose and vowed to return. It always looked like a festive place with lots of customer cars parked around. Over the years, it has served as a home for a variety of restaurants. Currently it accommodates a very good Mexican eatery. The moment we arrived the boys went wild with excitement. We asked to be seated in the Caboose even though it was the smoking section. As no smokers were there, it wasn’t a problem. The Latin staff was amused by our apparent train enthusiasm. The boys each had on train t-shirts, train shoes and held steam engines. I suspect we will be ordering Chimis on the Choo Choo again very soon.

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