Saturday, June 5, 2010

Birthday Benchmark Photo – 2 Years 6 Months

This is our third half birthday, which means in theory we are half way through the ‘terrible twos’. If this is the worst, then we know we will survive this year. Sure, each boy has had his moments, tested our limits and seen considerable penalty box time, but we can see them learning and adjusting their behavior. Both are also growing physically. Trey Davey is almost 37 inches tall, and Benji is about an inch behind. Both weigh about 34 lbs in dry diapers. Their vocabularies and memories are exploding. They are constantly identifying objects and will repeat an item’s name over and over until you acknowledge them. If you correct them - no that isn’t a tractor, it’s a back hole - then they will remember and use that name the next time. They are inquisitive, uninhibited and we may never answer all their questions, but we’ll try.

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