Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Strawberry Fields Endeavor

Another Owensboro Mothers of Multiples play date was held today at Reid’s Orchard. Guests were invited to pick our own strawberries. This was something I had never done before, nor had any real interest in ever doing, but found the whole experience to be surprisingly fun. We gave each child a half-peck basket and took them out into the strawberry patch. Other people had already picked the plants closest to the road, so we walked way down the row until we found some big, plump strawberries. Each boy’s style was different. Benji moved very little. He systematically picked one plant clean before advancing to the next. Trey Davey had more of a snatch and go method. He picked a few big ones from each plant while continually moving and exploring for more. The fruits of our labors adorned our dinner plates for the next week.

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