Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Train Bound for Slumbertown

Sandy couldn’t resist snapping this Trey Davey photo as he peacefully napped. It tells quite a story. Just as he has done from a very young age, he continues sucking on his security blanket. We have two identical polka dot blankets that we alternate daily for freshness. His infant blankets are too small to cover his growing body, so we recently added a larger Thomas the Train blanket. His constant companion, the black Geotrax choo choo, usually sleeps on the dresser during naptime but made it to bed with him today. While he still likes them around, his stuffed animal friends have become less significant to him, garnering much less attention. And while both boys easily have the ability to climb out of their cribs, neither has elected to at this point. It will be interesting to see what happens when the twins no longer have the cribs to contain them.

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