Monday, July 26, 2010

Ballad of the Castaways

Just sit right back and you'll hear a tale,
A tale of a fateful trip
That started from our Midwest port
Aboard our tiny ship.

The mate was a mighty sailing man,
The skipper brave and sure.
Six passengers set sail that day
For a one hour tour, a one hour tour.

The engine started running rough,
The tiny ship got cross,
If not for the courage of the fearless crew
The family would be lost, the family would be lost.

The ship was moored to the dock of this
Abandoned summer home
Where we found some shade
And played it cool
While Wes and Jim, checked the boat
The motor died
Then we covered up and called for help
On our cellular phone

So for a short time we were castways,
But we didn’t wait a long, long time,
We tried to calm the children down,
Taking uphill climbs. Taking uphill climbs.

Soon we saw the site of our rescue boat
Mr. Kennedy aboard
Just as we made our way back on the lake
The rain began to pour, the rain began to pour

He returned us all without a scratch
Trey Davey fell asleep
Benjamin just took it in
He didn’t make a peep, he didn’t make a peep

The Skipper and the first mate soon
Had our ship repaired
And we asked if we could go again
We were never scared, we were never scared

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