Saturday, July 31, 2010

Happy to pay the difference

Our family’s blessings have overflowed the lake cabin. When we just had adults and older children, everybody was happy to bunk anywhere: beds, couches or on the floor. But now that we’ve added babies to the mix, we can’t fit them and all their stuff into one location. Now when we visit the lake, we sleep at a small nearby motel. This price is right, but the amenities are modest. After a week our backs were pretty sore. Deciding to take two days for the drive home so we could visit the trains in St. Louis, we stopped at a Sleep Inn in Washington, Missouri for the night. The hotel sparkled like a new penny and the beds were big and comfortable. The boys enjoyed the pool and another opportunity for swimming. I like saving money, but it’s nice to splurge a little once in a while.

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