Tuesday, July 6, 2010

No Good Deed

Cousin Levi is a sweet child. When he visits us, he is usually reserved probably due to the unfamiliar people and surroundings. He does love his little cousins and becomes clearly excited when he sees them. Yesterday, we were playing in the backyard with all the toys out. At first, Levi was a little reluctant to get very wet. He watched the twins run through the sprinkler and jump into the pool from a safe distance while preferring to explore the slides and playhouse. At one point Davey drove his Cozy Coupe over the sprinkler and stopped. With his tire crimping the water hose the spray stopped as well. Hearing Davey say “I’m stuck!” Levi generously walked over and offered a push to free his little cousin. Once the obstruction was removed, the sprinkler returned to work at full pressure which soaked our Good Samaritan.

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