Thursday, November 18, 2010

Child Proven

Pa and Granny came over recently to babysit, and we had just sat down for dinner when my cell phone rang. Pa wanted to know how to load the movie player so they could watch a video. I suggested they needed to remove the child proof latch from the TV cabinet. He said Trey Davey had already done that and opened the doors. I described where the tape ejection button was located, and he said Davey had already removed the old video and Benji had inserted the new one. I described which remote control belonged to the TV and where the “On” button was located. He asked Benji where the remote was and Benji found it, turned on the TV and handed the controller to him. Pa said it still wasn’t working.  I suggested trying channel 3, and he said, “That did it. It’s the only thing they missed.”

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