Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Crib Diving

Sandy’s friend Rachel has twin girls. She shared a story recently about moving her children from cribs to beds. They arranged the beds in different locations than the cribs had been, and her children couldn’t handle all the changes. In fact, during the night her twins moved to sleep on the floor where their cribs had been. Rachel said had she to do it over again she would have first moved the cribs for a few weeks and then replaced them with the beds later. Research shows that small children are stressed by too much change, so we made the proactive move to relocate the boys’ cribs today to the location where we plan to put their beds after their birthday. Based on the excited, gymnastic reaction to this move, I anticipate little sleep once the cribs are retired. And the boys proved they can climb in and out of them, even though they had not so far.

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