Sunday, November 14, 2010

The Gauntlet

Today we have run the proverbial gauntlet between two strong-willed children in full resistance to our “cold turkey” potty training efforts. Just after they woke up we replaced their diapers with Thomas the Train underwear, placed their potty chairs in the family room and told them “big boys potty on the toilet, not in their pants”. Within minutes Benji said “uh-oh!” as a puddle formed at his feet. Mommy was quickly on the spot with her basket stocked with cloth towels, paper towels, disinfectant wipes and spray. Daddy stripped off his wet pants, set him on the pot and then provided dry clothes. No sooner had we set a dry Benji loose then Davey was standing in his own puddle, and so it went all morning back and forth with five accidents each. All four of us were exhausted by nap time.

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