Monday, November 8, 2010

Going for the Gold

Sandy read that potty training could be achieved through using incentives. She made refrigerator posters for each child with their names on it and told them they would receive a sticker for their board each time they pottied. Benji cheered and crowed the first time he received a sticker for urinating. After receiving a few more stickers, Benji attempted to circumvent the rules by claiming a sticker each time he deposited only a few drops. He protested mightily when his mother cried foul. Trey Davey was unimpressed by the stickers and refused to participate. Upping the anti, Sandy purchased Thomas the Train stickers for successful #1 potties and award medals for #2 potties. This motivated Davey to try, but he found only limited success due likely to performance anxiety. So far, no one has medaled in the poopy competition.

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