Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Birthday Benchmark Photo – 3 Years 1 Month

Highly active, silly, talkative, helpful and defiant may best describe the boys at this stage. They are constantly observing and exploring the world around them, and they want you to acknowledge every achievement they make “Hey Daddy, I found Thomas” or “Look Mommy, I pooped.” And of course with twins, this comes in stereo. It is a lot of fun except when their energy level surges into the red zone. Then trouble often follows. They often scream over one another to be heard. Benji will start acting silly and not stop. Davey will become focused on a task and strongly resist leaving even to eat or potty. Benji will tattle and Davey will hit when provoked. When they are under control however, our boys are eager to please. They will help put away toys and make the bed. Minding the boys these days is not for the meek.

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