Friday, January 7, 2011

Refining Self Control

Our boys’ social and emotional development has been quite good so far. Being a twin probably is an advantage here because they have had to practice sharing the same space since day one. Already they: follow simple directions well; enjoy helping with household tasks; recognize their own limits and ask for help; play near, and sometimes with, other children; can make choices between two items; notice people’s moods and feelings; seek to explore new experiences; and are fairly independent. At this age, a typical child is; jealous, lies to protect them selves, imagines unfamiliar objects are “monsters,” and cannot distinguish between fantasy and reality. We have seen some of this in each boy. Over the next year, we look forward to more: turn taking, sharing and cooperating; expressing anger verbally rather than physically; negotiating solutions to conflicts; and viewing their self as a whole person involving a body, mind and feelings.

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