Thursday, January 20, 2011

Safe and Sound

Benji has begun seeing monsters. This is common for children his age. In fact, that’s the premise behind the Disney/Pixar animated movie “Monsters, Inc.” No one is really sure what brings this on and almost anything can fuel the fear. Benji says monster trucks are coming, which is inventive. I remember being terrified of vampires and refusing to enter either of my grandmother’s basements. My parents attributed this to my babysitters watching the daytime soap opera “Dark Shadows” where the vampire “Barnabas Collins” lived in the basement. Incidentally, Johnny Depp, who was born in Owensboro three months after me, will portray Barnabas Collins in Tim Burton’s upcoming film adaptation of “Dark Shadows.” Perhaps the original left a lasting impression on young Johnny too. Benji has awoken several times in the middle of the night very upset. Daddy always provides a safe haven, even when he’s asleep.

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