Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Farewell ol’ Friends

Our cribs have served us well, but the time has come for a sleeping promotion. These twin beds were originally purchased in Kansas City for Mommy and Aunt Susan. Each girl received her new bed when she turned three. A few years ago Granddaddy Roe updated these beds with brand new mattresses. We moved all the children’s bedroom furniture from Kansas City to Owensboro when the boys were just 10 months old, and these beds have been waiting in storage over two years for this special day. Sunday afternoon, on the boys’ third birthday after their last crib nap, we woke them and began assembling their new beds while they watched excitedly. Once the new sleep centers were in place, each boy selected and test drove his own new bed. Then, they turned their interest to helping me disassembling their old cribs with perhaps a small degree of melancholy.

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