Thursday, December 2, 2010

Twins' Towers

The boys have been going through a destructive streak lately. After finding their GeoTrax train layout disassembled several times, Sandy decided to give that toy a temporary rest and challenge them with something new. She brought out the Mega Blocks and showed them how to build walls and towers. Their finished projects may well reveal something about each child’s talents and creativity. Trey Davey’s towers displayed planning and forethought. They were straight and symmetrical. He stuck mostly to two colors, red and yellow. His work displayed structure and utility. Benji’s design was radical and dangerous. He seemingly made each selection randomly with no regard for color or form. His principle concern was building a tower taller than his brother’s. The results revealed a remarkable use of balance and inventive thinking, which achieved his goal. These boys may be twins, but they are not identical.

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