Monday, December 6, 2010

Last Crib Nap

We have been planning the cribs’ retirement for sometime, and yesterday afternoon’s nap was our last use of them. Each were purchased new for our next door neighbor’s niece, Lacy, who rarely used them choosing instead to sleep in her parent’s bed. Initially, the boys shared a crib and we used one upstairs and the other downstairs. As the boys grew and began rolling over, we moved the cribs together upstairs. Each crib was designed differently, and each boy wanted to sleep in only their own. The cribs served as their timeout area and were a safe place to calm down during a tantrum. Some children begin climbing out of their cribs at around 18 months, but our boys never did even after they were physically able. They begin regularly climbing into their cribs about three months ago, but never climbed out.

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