Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Pa’s Panther Pride

Usually Granny goes with Pa to the Kentucky Wesleyan College men’s basketball home games. They have had season tickets for years. However, tonight she planned on attending her Ladies Sunday School class’ Christmas Party. This gave Pa the opportunity to invite us to join him. This was the twins’ second KWC Panther’s game. The first came when they were just 14 months old. They weren’t very mobile back then and just sit still the entire game and enjoyed all the activity. Almost two years later, sitting still was not in their itinerary. They climbed, crawled and kicked around our second row seats excitedly exploring everything new. Luckily the game wasn’t well attended and no one was bothered. In fact, several friends later said they enjoyed watching the twins more than the blowout basketball game. Perhaps one day the boys will entertain everyone from the court.

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