Thursday, December 9, 2010


Some of Pa’s grandson stories can become enhanced a bit, but Granny verifies this one to be absolutely true. The Grands were babysitting last night and helping with potty training. Benji announced that he needed to go poopy on the big potty, so Pa took him to the bathroom. Benji clearly enjoys getting out of the family room and was milking the task for all he could. Suddenly, Davey came running into the bathroom and began moving the stool in front of the toilet. He said he had to pee pee right now and told Benji to “get out of the way” as he began lowering his pants and underwear. Benji looked very concerned and hurriedly spread his legs and scooted back on the seat just as Davey released a jet stream. Thankfully, his aim was true and neither the seat nor his brothers’ legs were sprayed.

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