Thursday, December 16, 2010

Farewell Our Friend Mack

The Burtons have been the twins’ next door neighbors all their lives. Their son, Mack, was born just six months after our boys and the twins really don’t ever remember Mack not being next door. For their first two years, the boys really were too small to play together. It was only in this last year that their friendship began to truly blossom. Unfortunately, all too often our vacation and sleeping schedules clashed preventing more interaction. When Mack’s sister, Reed, was born in June, the Burton family realized they needed three bedrooms on one floor. In November, they tested the slumped housing market and were shocked to immediately find a buyer. They hurriedly purchased a newer home and began the task of moving. We will miss a pajama-clad Mack wondering over to our backyard to say hello, and hope to reconnect with him later on down the road.

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