Friday, December 17, 2010

Mr. Orderly

Since the day they were born we have been observing our twins closely for any indications that would suggest each boy’s individual God given talents. Would they be naturally athletic, scholarly, social, logical, artistic, etc.? One clue to Trey Davey’s hidden talents presented itself here. Sandy created a potty training poster for each boy on our upstairs refrigerator. Stickers were presented to each child as a reward for using the potty correctly. While Benji joyfully applied his rewards stickers to his poster haphazardly, Davey methodically applied his stickers in neat rolls matching similar images together. This is reminiscent to the way he aligns his train cars on the shelves. Davey’s orderliness is no surprise to those who know his anal-retentive parents, but where Benji got his free-styling method is anybody’s guess.

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