Sunday, December 26, 2010

Thanks to Sandy Clause

Sandy makes Christmas work at our house. She plans and labors very hard to insure all details are accomplished with style and excellence. Her ambition often pushes her schedule to the brink and unplanned issues occasionally bust it wide open, like when business emergencies required her to work overtime on Thursday night until midnight and on Christmas Eve morning until noon. This was personal time she had planned for Christmas preparation. To get everything accomplished, we worked after the boys went to bed until 3:00 am Christmas morning. After a few hours sleep we woke with excited boys on Christmas morning. The family opened presents for a few hours and then we enjoyed the fine brunch Sandy prepared. Afterwards, everyone enjoyed a well deserved afternoon nap and a little free time before reassembling for Sandy’s Christmas dinner. We then opened more presents until bedtime. It was an awesome day.

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